Ho-Ho-Kus New Jersey Disorderly Conduct Lawyers

When you are reading the newspaper from time to time you might see that an individual is being charged with the crime of criminal mischief. You might ask yourself what exactly is this individual being charged with? Criminal mischief covers a large range of criminal activities. Most commonly it is used to refer to damage against property. It could be willful damage, or could be accidental damage. This crime can either be cared for in criminal court, or at times it can be handled with a civil court tort. An example of criminal mischief is putting graffiti on a building, or throwing rocks at a window, or slashing car tires.

The intention that the individual has behind his committing these acts of vandalism can at times escalate the charges. For example an individual who throws rocks at the window of a Jewish synagogue as an expression of his anti-Semitic views, might find himself facing hate charges, or a biased crime charge. An individual who is accused of criminal mischief, might also find themselves dealing with charges of harassment, and trespassing. In the borough of Ho-Ho-Kus, criminal mischief is a serious crime. People charged with this crime will need to find a criminal mischief lawyer, or a Ho-Ho-Kus disorderly conduct lawyer to defend them.

About the borough of Ho-Ho-Kus New Jersey

Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey is a borough that is in the Midwest region of Bergen County. This borough has a population of approximately 4070 residents. Ho-Ho-Kus has been rated as the 15th wealthiest community in the state of New Jersey. Also, Ho-Ho-Kus was rated as the best place to live in New Jersey in the year 2011. The reason for this was the low crime rate, the affluence, and the good school system that exists in this borough. Ho-Ho-Kus derives its name from a Delaware Indian term, which means when translated, the red Cedar. The borough occupies an area of around 1.7 mi.² This borough is governed under the same form of government that exist in many of the other boroughs in New Jersey. There is a mayor, and a six member city Council.

Ho-Ho-Kus New Jersey Municipal Court

The Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey Municipal Court building is located at 333 Warren Ave., Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey 07423. Court is held the first Wednesday of every month at 4:30 PM. The Hon. Harry D. Norton Junior presides, and the court prosecutor is John S. Guerin, Esq. Because of the relatively low crime rate in the borough the vast majority of the cases that are heard in this court pertained to traffic related violations such as DUI and driving while suspended.

When You Are Charged with a Crime Time Is of the Essence

The very first call that anyone who is charged with a crime should make should be to their criminal defense lawyer. Right from the start, your lawyer is going to take steps in order to minimize your jail stay, and help you have the best results while you are in court. For this reason, if you find yourself charged with something like marijuana possession, do not hesitate to contact a Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey marijuana possession lawyer. Remember, when it comes to any sort of criminal charge time is of the essence. If you have any further questions with regards to this offense please do not hesitate to contact any one of our Bergen County Offices for a free initial consultation.