Bergen County resident charged with Receiving Stolen Property

Won Young Youn, a Bergen County man, is an art collector who was arrested and accused of purchasing stolen property; more commonly referred to as receiving stolen property. These charges came in connection with his purchase of a Korean artifact that appears to have been stolen from Korea during the Korean War. The defendant, who at one time lived in Fort Lee, New Jersey, is to appear in court in front of a federal judge in Michigan. He was arrested and placed under custody earlier in the month of January 2013.

The Hojo 10-nyang currency plate that the defendant is accused of stealing dates back to the late 19th century. It is from the time of the Korean Joseon Dynasty. In the year 2010, the defendant allegedly talked a woman in Queens into buying the artifact. The purchase price for this artifact was $35,000. The Queens woman purchased a piece from an auction business in Michigan.

The family, of deceased veteran Lionel Hayes is the ones who put the item up for auction. Lionel Hayes was a Marine fought during the Korean War. Shortly after this artifact was purchased, the Korean Embassy contacted the auction owner expressing their concern that the artifact might have been stolen.

The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall is an experienced Bergen County Criminal Defense Firm with a long track record of success. If you or someone you know has been charged with a criminal offense like shoplifting, theft, receiving stolen property, burglary, robbery or writing bad checks we can help. Please contact any one of our Bergen County Offices for a free initial consultation with any one of our eight criminal defense attorneys.